Private Session and Class Rate Sheet

New Clients,

Because we are a Boutique Studio, an Introductory Class Session is required. The cost of this Class is $40.00. Your Session will include a focused interview about any physical issues you wish to address, a pair of Pilates Socks, and a sample class. 

The Introductory Class Session must be scheduled by phone or email: 248-600-1200 (please include your phone # in your email).

Our pricing is offered as a monthly membership. Classes are $30 each. Assuming there are 4 weeks in the month, attending 1x a week the cost is $120.00 per month. Classes attended 2x a week are $240 etc. etc. A predetermined regular set attendance date & time will be arranged and expected. Minimum attendance is 1x per week; Maximum 7 students per 50 minute class. Students who plan to miss their pre-determined class will be responsible to schedule a make up. The studio requires a 24 hour notice minimum for students to be eligible for their make up class.

An additional Unlimited Fitness Membership is now available only to Pilates Reformer Clients! Learn more about this perk during your demo :-)

Reformer Privates or Reformer/Trapeze Table Privates are available by appointment for $75 per 50 minute session.

A 3 Privates package is available for $200.00. Package Privates must be scheduled at the time of purchase.

Personalized Gift Certificates are available! Please call Liz: 248-600-1200 to order one today!

Class Offerings

Refomer VAF.jpeg

Reformer / Trapeze Classes

Bodhi VAF 1.jpeg

Bodhi Suspension Classes

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Cardio Jump Board Classes

Barre VAF 2.jpeg

Balance Body Barre Class

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Strength Training Classes

Yoga/Meditation Classes


Melt Method Classes

Cardio Drumming Classes

Pilates Mat Classes

Pai Da Classes